Similar pictures
Parashat Shemot - Moses and Aaron in Pharaoh's palace
Moshe encountered witch dogs on the day of the exodus from Egypt
The case of the birth names of the six babies under the apple
The parshat of the names of every newborn son will be thrown away
Parashat Shemot - An angry pharaoh
Parashat Haman - Collecting Haman for a living (Parashat Beshalach)
Parashat Vara Mecht Dam 1
Parashat Vara Mecha Dem 2
Parashat Vara Mecht Frog
Parashat Vara Mecht Ha'inim
Parshat Vara Makhta Arov
Parashat Vara Mecht Devar
Parashat Ba Anani Habad
Parshat Ba Karban Pesach
Parshat comes from the plague of locusts
Parshat comes from the birth of firstborns
Parshat comes from darkness
The Israelites with springs of water and date trees (Parashat Beshelach)
Pharaoh's entry into the Red Sea with his horse and chariot (Parashat BaShelah)
Pharaoh sends the people of Israel out of their country
In the handle of the stick there is a fold of the handle - it needs to be repaired.
אם התכוונת שהשערות מאחורי האוזן ישמשו כ”פאות”, אז שתדע, שלא נראה כך, יותר נראה כשערות ארוכות, ומה לא מתאים לצייר צדיק כמו משה רעיא מהימנא עם התרבות “דינים” על ראשו.
Thank you very much for your correct comment, the truth was that there was no intention to draw this, and I also don't remember noticing it until now, and usually I tell the AI not to draw hair in the back, but if I am freed from my occupation and duty I will turn to correcting it in the NL.